


忘不了 對你的好忘不了 你的回眸忘不了 曾經的感受

你總是 遠遠的看著我 遠遠的 遠遠的聽著我

我想我已開始不對 不該總在 想著總在 想著忘掉我

放肆自由放肆是我 的擁抱的氣息熟悉路途轉角等你

將手攤開聽不見 你再對我 告白看透你了 心愛的人愛到不行


還記得 我總為你笑總是愛著 我總是愛著聽著我對你唱的每首歌

分開了你還不讓我哭對不起 對不起已經學不會

在等著我 你說的一輩子就這樣一輩子這麼簡單的路走到這也算一個結果

一個最壞的我遇見了你遇見了我 最壞的我失控的溫柔 最壞的我和最愛的你抱過分開的我 你不要了我也不回去溫柔接納"Most young people think they're more mature than their parents."。

According to this sentence, we can infer that many young people are self-centered and disrespectful of their parents, while this may be untrue, there is a lot of doubt and conflict in family life between the generation gap and their feelings towards the old. Is it because the parent-child relationship in contemporary society is strained, resulting in some parents lacking care for their children, causing their children to grow up more independently and experience some friction and disagreement? Or is it because the children are too immature to understand and respect their parents? We need to consider these questions and find out the answer.