a summer song chad jeremy歌詞

《A Summer Song》的歌詞作者是Chad Jerger,歌曲演唱者是Jeremy。

以下是《A Summer Song》的部分歌詞:

Verse 1:

Summer days are here again

Just like they were before

The sun is shining bright

And I'm feeling so alive


Oh, it's a summer song

Just for you and me

Oh, I feel the sunshine

In my heart and on my skin

Verse 2:

Days are long and nights are short

But memories will last forever

Every memory of us

Will stay in my heart


Oh, it's a summer song

Just for you and me

Oh, I feel the sunshine

In my heart and on my skin


Every moment we share

Will forever be with me

I'll remember every smile

And every touch of yours


Oh, it's a summer song

Just for you and me

Oh, I feel the sunshine

In my heart and on my skin


Oh, it's a summer song

Forever in my heart.

Oh, I feel the sunshine

Everywhere I go.