anything goes歌詞

《Anything Goes》的歌詞如下:

Oh, the night has a hundred faces

And each one is different and fair

When you’re deep in a dream, it could be Spanish,

A touch French or an Oriental dream.

The band begins to play, anything goes

Husbands and lovers sway, anywhere, everywhere.

I say that if we go in disguise, we will be free.

Oh, the night is a wonderland, anything goes.

Oh, the night is a dream and a dance,

Oh, the night is a song in a band.

Oh, the night is a joy and a chance.

Oh, the night is a wonderful chance.

Oh, the night is a wonderland, anything goes.

So let’s go as gypsies or clowns,

Or as kings and queens in our crowns.

We’ll be laughing and singing along with the band.

Oh, the night is a wonderful chance.

Oh, anything goes!

以上就是《Anything Goes》的歌詞,這是一首非常好聽的歌曲,旋律優美,歌詞富有詩意。