《By My Side》的歌詞如下:
Just wanna spend every moment
With you together
Missing you all day
Thinking about you all night
'Cause girl I don't know what I'm gonna do
If you leave, leave me blue
So I say goodbye to green
And follow you to blue
And I don't really care about my reputation
'Cause I know that you like what you see
So girl just let me take your hand
And we can be together
A: 募捐(mù juān)和憑添(píng tiān)
B: 姿態(zī tài)和祈禱(qí dǎo)
A選項中,“募捐”的“募”的讀音應為“mù”,“憑添”中的“添”的讀音應為“tiān”,所以讀音方面應該是“募捐(mù juān)和憑添(tiān)”。
B選項中,“姿態”意為姿勢,或態度,讀音為“zī tài”,而“祈禱”意為向神祝告求福,讀音為“qí dǎo”,所以釋義方面應該是“姿態(zī tài)和祈禱(qí dǎo)”。因此,正確答案是A: 募捐(mù juān)和憑添(píng tiān)。