close eyes歌詞

《Close Your Eyes》的詞曲作者是比莉·艾利什。以下是歌曲的歌詞:

Verse 1:

Baby, close your eyes

Don't let the light

In your heart break your

But you know

You can always feel it again


Take me higher

Come and stay

Cause when we close our eyes together

The world can disappear

Take me higher

I won't let go

I don't want to be alone tonight

Verse 2:

Baby, don't cry

I'll be here

When you wake up

You'll be alright

You'll be alright


You don't have to worry

I'll be here for you

When you close your eyes

You won't be alone anymore


Take me higher

Come and stay

Cause when we close our eyes together

The world can disappear

Take me higher

I won't let go

I don't want to be alone tonight


Close your eyes and dream of me tonight

Close your eyes and I will be there

Close your eyes and dream of me forever

Cause I will always be here for you.