daughtry what about now的歌詞

What About Now的詞曲作者不明,歌曲中文意思是對現實生活的不安與疑惑,因此不存在中英文歌詞對等的情況。以下是歌曲的英文原詞:

What about now?

Don't you feel the way you used to?

What about now?

Are you feeling what you're supposed to?

You've been running from the truth

But it's time to face it, yeah

What about now?

You've been hiding from the light

But it's time to let it in, yeah

What about now?

You've been lost in the dark

But you're not alone anymore

You've been feeling so small

But now you feel the call

What about now?

Don't you feel the way you used to?

What about now?

Are you feeling what you're supposed to?

The pain inside your heart

Is too heavy to ignore

And all the memories

Will they haunt you forever?

What about now?

The scars that won't fade

Will they let you feel alive?

It's time to take a chance, yeah

What about now?

Now you're standing on your feet

But it might feel unsteady, yeah

It might feel unsure, yeah

But now you know that you're not lost

What about now?

You know it's not too late, yeah

What about now?

It's time to break through the chains, yeah

What about now? (Now you know)

Now you're not alone anymore (No, no)

Now you're standing on your own two feet (No, no)

And you know it's all for real (Yeah)

What about now? (Now what?)
