i am proud to be american歌詞

"I Am Proud To Be American" 的歌詞如下:

Verse 1:

Stand up, put your hands up

Proud to be an American

Through trials and tribulations

We've come a long way


Proud to be American

Walk tall, with a smile on our face

In this world, we're the best

So let's sing loud and proud

Verse 2:

When the world looks at us, they see fear

But we won't let that stop us

We'll keep on pushing forward

With courage and strength in our hearts


Proud to be American

Walk tall, with a smile on our face

In this world, we're the best

So let's sing loud and proud


We may have our differences

But we stand together as one nation

And that's what makes us great

So let's keep going forward


Proud to be American

Stand tall, with pride in our hearts

In this world, we're the best

So let's sing loud and proud


Proud to be American, proud to be me.