i wish you well歌詞

《i wish you well》的詞曲作者和演唱者未知,但我找到了一首同名的英文歌曲,其中包含一部分歌詞。以下是一部分歌詞:

I wish you well, my friend

When you're far away and can't see what's been lost along the way

It's alright, alright

Cause you'll always have a part of me to hold on to

So, when the world's turned upside down

And you feel like giving up, I hope you remember what you're fighting for

Cause you've got a friend who's standing by

So I hope you win, hope you win

And I hope you feel the love that's keeping you strong

And I hope you'll never be alone again

And I hope you find, find

What you've been looking for, cause it's out there waiting for you

So, when the world seems like too much to take

And you feel like everything is lost and can't be saved

Remember, remember

You've got a friend who's crying tears of joy

So I hope you feel, hope you feel

The light at the end of the tunnel when everything turns out fine

And I hope my wishes come true

So, take this with you when you go

A piece of my heart that will always be yours

And if everything goes right, I hope I hear, "I did it for you"