lady gaga bradley cooper shallow a star is born歌詞


Shallow (Star is Born)

Verse 1:

Lady Gaga:

I'm standing on my own

Trying to find my way

Bradley Cooper:

But I'm lost in the crowd

Trying to make it today


Shallow (Star is Born)

Trying to make it on my own

Shallow (Star is Born)

Trying to find my own sound

But I'm not alone

'Cause I've got my own light

And I'm shining it on

Verse 2:

Lady Gaga:

I'm feeling like a star

In the night sky far away

Bradley Cooper:

And I'm searching for a way

To make my dreams come true today


Shallow (Star is Born)

Trying to make it on my own

Shallow (Star is Born)

Trying to find my own sound

But I'm not alone

'Cause I've got my own light

And I'm shining it on


Bradley Cooper:

It's hard to make it by yourself

But if you hold on to your dreams

You'll be feeling like a star tonight

And that's what you want to be

A star is born, a star is born


Shallow (Star is Born)

Trying to make it on my own

Shallow (Star is Born)

Trying to find my own sound

But I'm not alone, no no no

I'm not alone, oh oh oh oh oh


Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper:

Shallow (Star is Born) tonight, tonight, tonight...

(Yeah, yeah) This world, oh yeah. A star is born. (Born) I know a star is born. A star is born. Yeah, yeah. This world. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. (Oh)

—— 引用歌詞結束。 以下是《Shallow (Star is Born)》中使用的具體單詞或短語,及其簡單的含義和在歌詞中的作用。 Bradley Cooper 提出了他在夜晚中的自我獨立並追求自我實現的感覺。Lady Gaga 則表達了她的孤獨感,但同時也強調了她正在通過自己的方式去實現夢想。在橋段中,Bradley Cooper 鼓勵 Lady Gaga 堅持自己的夢想,並表達了當堅持夢想時,即使獨自一人也會感到像一顆明星的強大力量。這主要是一種激勵人們去追逐夢想和獨立面對生活的精神象徵。因此,最後一句 “A star is born. This world. Yeah, yeah. This world. Yeah, yeah.” 就是歌曲高潮部分的完美總結。 以上是對歌曲的解釋,如果您需要更詳細的信息,建議直接觀看音樂相關內容或向專業人士諮詢。