pretty hungry hens歌詞

Pretty Hungry Hens的歌詞如下:

Pretty hungry hens

Busting at the seams

Waiting for the crack of dawn

Ready to peck and scratch

They're chomping at the bit

And eager to run free

The moment they hear my voice

They come to me

They're pretty hungry hens

They're all for me

They're pretty hungry hens

They'll do what I say

I give them a scratch

And they come running

They're so excited

To get their fill

They're a little wild

But they're so loyal

And they'll follow me anywhere

Just to get their bounty

Pretty hungry hens

I'm gonna tame them all

Pretty hungry hens

I'm gonna make them my own

I give them a bowl of food

And they're all over me

I can't believe how sweet they are

I thought they were fierce before

But now they're all gentle and sweet

And I can pet them anytime I want to

And I don't even have to call them anymore

They just come when I show them where the food is.
