the big big world歌詞

The Big Big World的詞曲作者是Emma Portner。以下是這首歌的歌詞:

Verse 1:

I'm standing alone in the big big world

Trying to make my way in this mad world

Trying to find a place where I belong

But everywhere I go, there's no you


In the big big world there's no one else like you

I can tell by the way you are

In the big big world, everything is new

I'll tell you what I saw today

In the big big world

Verse 2:

It's a lonely feeling to be standing alone

In a crowd of people but still feeling all alone

And I know I'll never be alone again

Because you came and took my hand


In the big big world there's no one else like you

I can tell by the way you are

In the big big world, everything is new

I'll tell you what I saw today

In the big big world


I'm feeling free, I'm feeling fine

I'm feeling like a bird on a wire

And I know that I belong with you now

And everywhere I go, there's no doubt


In the big big world there's no one else like you

I can tell by the way you are

In the big big world, everything is new

I'll tell you what I saw today

In the big big world (x2)


In the big big world, everything is new to me now (x2)

In the big big world, everything is new to me now (x2)