v neu limit歌詞

"V neu limit" 是由V和Psy合作的熱門歌曲《New Limit》的歌詞。以下是這首歌的部分歌詞:

(Verse 1)

Yeah, New Limit, yeah

Life is so fast, no time to wait

Looking for the perfect life

I'm gonna make it mine, I'm never gonna fade


We got a New Limit, gonna break through

Can't you hear the vibe? I'm just feeling the vibe

Come with me, I'll show you what it's all about

Let's ride this train, till the end of the line

(Verse 2)

Take my hand, and let's go up in the sky

Soar above the clouds, never look back

It's time to take off, I'm gonna break free

Get ready for the ride of your life


We got a New Limit, gonna break through

Can't you hear the vibe? I'm just feeling the vibe

Come with me, I'll show you what it's all about

Let's ride this train, till the end of the line


Life is like a game of cards, gotta play it right

Gonna make it big, gonna make a change

No time to lose, gotta keep up the pace

We got a New Limit, gotta make it real


We got a New Limit, gonna break through

Can't you hear the vibe? I'm just feeling the vibe

Come with me, I'll show you what it's all about

Let's ride this train, till the end of the line

以上是《New Limit》的部分歌詞,其中“v neu limit”可能在特定的上下文或發音中被理解為一個短語或詞組。歌詞的含義和情感表達取決於整首歌的語境和意義。建議您通過搜尋歌曲或者聽取原聲來了解更多的歌詞內容。