

歌名:《Life is Good》

1. Life is good, 一切安好

No need to stress, 無需緊張

You've got the SAMSUNG phone, 三星在手

The music plays, 音樂響起

2. And I don't care if the world goes round, 我不在乎世界如何旋轉

Cause I'm the music in my head, 因為我的腦海中只有音樂

3. Sounds good, 音質不錯

Sound so clear, 聲音清晰

Life is good, 生活美妙

4. With SAMSUNG phone, 三星在手

I'm always in control, 我始終掌握著節奏

5. Life is good, 一切安好

With my SAMSUNG phone, 三星在手

And I'm on my way, 我一路前行

6. The melodies are all around me, 旋律圍繞著我

And I'm singing out loud, 我大聲唱出

Life is good, 生活美妙

7. Sounds so real, 聲音如此真實

Music so sweet, 音樂如此甜美

Life is good, 生活美妙

8. So come on and let it go, 所以,釋放自己

Let the music take control, 讓音樂掌控一切

9. Life is good, 生活美妙

With my SAMSUNG phone, 三星在手

And I'm on my way, 我一路前行

Life is good. 生活美妙。