

1. 春天的風吹過稻田,桃花盛開,蜜蜂忙碌著採蜜。

The spring breeze blows over the rice fields, and peach blossoms bloom, while bees busily gather nectar.

2. 紅花板上的歌曲,唱出心中的熱情,激發著人們的靈魂。

The songs on the red board sing of passion in the heart, igniting the spirit of people.

3. 不管路有多遠,我們都要走向前,追求夢想,無畏無懼。

No matter how far the road is, we must walk forward, pursuing our dreams, fearless.

4. 人生就像一場舞會,我們都是舞者,隨著音樂起舞。

Life is like a ball, we are all dancers, dancing with the music.

5. 親愛的兄弟姐妹,珍惜每一刻,一起歡笑,一起夢想。

Dear siblings, cherish every moment together, laugh and dream together.

6. 不管世界多大,我們都要展翅高飛,追逐夢想,永不止步。

No matter how big the world is, we must soar high and pursue our dreams, never stopping.

7. 紅花板上的歌曲,唱出愛與勇氣,鼓舞著我們前行。

The songs on the red board sing of love and courage, encouraging us to move forward.