

You can chase the scar, it will never leave.

You can try to run, but it will never let you go.

But don't let it make you sad, it's just a part of you.

Because it's not easy to forget, but it's worth remembering.

Because you're worth remembering, because you're worth loving.

No matter what happened, you're still the same.

No matter how many times you fall, you'll always rise up again.

Because you're not alone, and there's always someone here for you.

Because there will always be pain, and there will always be scars.

But don't let it make you feel like a failure.

Because you're not a failure, because you're still here.

You may have lost some ground, but you're still standing tall.

So don't let it make you feel alone, because there will always be someone here for you.

And when you feel like giving up, remember that there will always be someone who believes in you.