

歌曲名:Let It Go

I'm free to be who I want to

The snow glows white on mountain cold

A kingdom of isolation

And every heart that's afraid

Can you feel the winter fire?

Take me away, I'm all alone

The wind is howling, snow is falling all around

Now I'm free to roam, to anywhere I want to

Let it go, let it go

I'm freeeee to operate

Let it go, let it go

And I'll be a star, in the sky, above

The covers up my vows of fides

Now all my dreams are free to follow me

As I take to the sky on a journey through the snowy woods, alone

The snow glows white on mountain cold

And like a speck on the snow, without my friends all around

I'm out to sea on my own. Oh... I am... FREEEE!

Oh! Winter winds whistle as I float away, into the frozen lake

Am I finally free? Can't believe what I've made.

And like a speck on the snow without my Anna by my side.

It's just me and the cold.

Let it go, let it go.

Now I'm free to be me.

Let it go, let it go.

Now I'm free to roam, anywhere I want to.

Let it go, let it go, Let it go. 雪蓮花一樣的晶瑩。 愛情戰勝了一切。在新的冬季來臨的時候,我們可以放鬆、祈禱並沉浸其中,會比以前任何時候都要快樂,而且從心懷恐懼。放棄那所謂的忠貞吧!和過去說拜拜。我真的好孤單好孤單,任憑風吹雪飄,讓我自己決定自己的方向,漂泊在雪地里,我會是那自由自在的雪之女王。讓風吹散我的眼淚,忘掉那一切的傷悲。冬天已經來臨,我將會很開心,忘掉過去的一切,現在我可以去追尋我的夢想。任我翱翔。一切都開始轉變了。我的內心變得更加堅強起來。勇敢去面對明天,沒有什麼能夠阻擋。一切都變了樣。冰雪皇后是自由自在的,我可以戰勝一切。我不會再受到任何約束,一切都是自由的,我就是自由自在的冰雪皇后。我不會再害怕了,因為我找到了真正的自我。一切都變得美好起來。這就是自由的感覺。我已經擁有了整個世界。現在我終於知道我可以依靠什麼了,就是我自己!一切都變得如此美好,我可以放聲歡笑!我已經不再是那個只會哭鼻子的小女孩了!我已經擁有了整個世界!我擁有最珍貴的愛情!一切都開始轉變了!我已經變得堅強起來!我不會再害怕了!我會成為真正的我!我是自由的冰雪皇后!我將一直保持這種狀態!