
天佑女王 (泰晤士報)


One heart, one hope, in the shadow of a cross,

We lift our voices up to thee,

A mighty fortress to bear,

A crown of swords for our lady.

Rise up, arise, in the name of love,

Your people call for a queen.

May your spirit rise like the lark at dawn,

Rise up, arise, in victory.

Through the stormy winds and the raging tide,

You are our strength and our guide.

May the heavens open up and pour down grace,

For our lady, our sovereign.

Rise up, arise, in the name of love,

Your people call for a queen.

May your spirit rise like the lark at dawn,

Rise up, arise, in victory.

Queen of heaven and earth, our hearts are yours,

May your kingdom come with power and love.

Rise up, arise, in power and might,

Through all creation, through all we do.

And when the morning breaks and the sun rises,

We will praise you with songs and hymns.

For you are our life and our hope forever,

Rise up, arise, in love and light.