
天使的歌詞英文翻譯是:"Angels' lyrics" are usually considered to be a kind of poetry that expresses the emotions and aspirations of angels, usually referring to their praise of the creator or other important themes. Here are some possible English translations for "天使的歌詞":

1. "Praise of the Angel": "Oh, my Creator, I am an angel, singing your praises in song."

2. "Heavenly Poetry": "Oh, my heavenly companions, let us sing together, pouring out our hearts in heavenly poetry."

3. "Melodies of the Immortals": "Oh, melodies of the immortals, floating through the heavens, bringing peace and joy to all."

Note that these are just possible translations and may not perfectly capture the original meaning of the lyrics. Each song and lyrics have their own unique meaning and context, so it's best to consult with a native English speaker or an expert in the field to get the most accurate translation.