


I dreamed I was in a castle 我夢見我身處一座城堡

In the land where the swans lay 在天鵝所在的地方

I saw a man with a beautiful face and a smile that could light up a room 我看到了一個面龐英俊的男人,他的微笑能照亮一間屋子

He took my hand and we danced 我被他牽著手,我們跳起了舞


Oh, I knew that I was dreaming 喔,我知道我在夢中

But I dreamed it twice before 但我曾兩次夢見它

So I didn't mind when it came true 所以當它成真時,我一點也不介意

'Cause it's just a dream 因為它只是一個夢


And I dreamed that we were lovers 我夢見我們相愛了

And I dreamed that it was real 我夢見它是真實的

And I woke up feeling sorry 我醒來時感到難過

But I fell back to sleep 但我又沉沉睡去


And now it's time to wake up 現在該醒來了

Time to face the world again 是時候面對這個世界了

Time to tell you how I feel 是時候告訴你我的感受了


But it's just a dream 但這只是一個夢

It's just a beautiful dream 但這只是一個美麗的夢

That's all it was 那只是個夢


But if you dream it hard enough 但如果你努力地夢見它

You can make it real enough 你可以讓它變得足夠真實

You know, we both deserve better 你也知道,我們都值得更好的

I thought it might be the end 但也許這會是一個結束


But instead of feeling lost 但我並沒有感到迷失

I woke up feeling lost 而是醒來後感到迷失

Maybe it was just a dream 也許這只是一個夢

But I'll remember it for life 但我會一生都記得它


And now it's time to wake up 現在該醒來了

Time to face the world again 是時候面對這個世界了

Time to tell you how I feel 是時候告訴你我的感受了

But maybe dreams can come true 但也許美夢會成真