

開頭:靜靜地 我在深夜裡 回憶往事

Translated: Quietly, in the dead of night, I recall the past.

第二段:無聲無息 沒有人知曉 我的心 如此憂鬱

Translated: Silently, without anyone knowing, my heart is so melancholy.

第三段:讓我放鬆一下 忘記這一切

Translated: Let me relax and forget about it all.

第四段:在這個世界上 有些事情 是如此地安靜

Translated: In this world, there are some things that are so quiet.

第五段:我感覺到 安靜在身旁

Translated: I feel the quietness beside me.

第六段:讓我閉上眼睛 放鬆一下

Translated: Let me close my eyes and relax.

第七段:在這個世界上 有些事情 是如此地美好

Translated: In this world, there are some things that are so beautiful.

尾句:有些事情 需要去相信 我現在需要 安靜一點 我現在需要 去呼吸安靜

Translated: There are some things that need to be believed in. I need to be a bit quieter now. I need to breathe some quietness.