

1. “恭喜恭喜,新年到來”

“Congratulations, congratulations, the New Year has arrived.”

2. “紅紅火火,年味兒正濃”

“Red, fiery, and the smell of the New Year is strong.”

3. “春節到,歡天喜地”

“The Spring Festival has come, and everyone is joyful.”

4. “願你新年笑開懷”

“May you smile all the way through the New Year.”

5. “歲歲年年,萬事如意”

“Year after year, may all things go well.”

6. “新年新氣象,萬事開心扉”

“New year, new atmosphere, all things open up with happiness.”

7. “新年到,祝福到”

“The New Year has come, and my blessings have come.”

8. “歡度新年,快樂無限”

“Enjoying the New Year, with endless happiness.”
