


新年好!新年好! Happy New Year to you! Happy New Year to you all!

穿上新衣,打扮得漂漂亮亮,一起唱起這首歌。 Let's put on our new clothes, Gorgeous and beautiful, Let's sing this song together.

恭喜恭喜,新年好運來臨, 喜氣洋洋,幸福安康。 Congratulations, good luck in the new year, With a smile on our faces, happiness and good health.

發發發,年年有餘,金錢多多,財源廣進。 Triple Happiness, year after year, More money, more sources.


Hello, Happy New Year!

Hello, Happy New Year! May all be filled with joy and laughter.

Put on a new dress,

Gorgeous and beautiful,

Let's sing this song together.

Congratulations, good luck in the new year!

With a smile on our faces, happiness and good health.

Fighting! Fighting!

Year after year, wealth overflows,

More money, more resources.

More money, more resources.
