

歌曲名稱:Fly Me To The Moon


I want to fly through the universe

On a magic carpet ride

Across the milky way to the moon

And I want to see what's there

Maybe a thousand friendly stars

To guide my way

Oh I want to feel the ground below

But I'm way up in the sky above above

Fly me to the moon

Let me play there among the sand

On the happiest lunar rainbow stripes

Let me hold your hand and never let you go far away

Oh your sweet and gentle kisses and then some more

Fly me to the moon and let me play there with you there forever more

Oh I want to see what's there

And I want to feel what it's like

To be up there in the sky above above

Fly me to the moon and let me play there with you there forever more forever more forever more forever more forever more forever more forever more forever more forever more forever forever more forever more forever forever more forever more forever forever forever more forever more forever more forever forever forever forever more forever more forever more forever forever forever forever forever more
