

1. 歌名:《告白氣球》

Ballad of Love

2. 歌詞:情人節的夜風都溫柔

On Valentine's night, even the wind is gentle

3. 歌詞:彷彿每一朵雲都變成紙飛機

Like each cloud becomes a paper airplane

4. 歌詞:我會對你 許願它慢慢飛

I will make a wish on it and it will fly slowly towards you

5. 歌詞:我會輕輕的唱著這首歌

I will softly sing this song

6. 歌詞:手牽手一步兩步往前走

Hand in hand, step by step, moving forward

7. 歌詞:終於你願意聽我的告白

Finally, you are willing to listen to my confession

8. 歌詞:你會幸福的 我知道ǒx淚水卻一直掉下來

You will be happy, I know, but tears keep falling down
