

1. "這是我的夢想,我的人生"

This is my dream, this is my life.

2. "勇敢地追求,不畏前路坎坷"

Boldly pursuing, unafraid of the bumpy road ahead.

3. "心隨你遠翔,無論天涯海角"

My heart flies with you, no matter where the world may take us.

4. "只要你在,我無所畏懼"

As long as you're here, I have nothing to fear.

5. "你的笑容是我最美的日出"

Your smile is the most beautiful sunrise for me.

6. "愛情就像一首歌,唱出心中旋律"

Love is like a song, singing the melody in my heart.

7. "不管風雨多大,我依然等你"

No matter how much the wind and rain blow, I'll still wait for you.

8. "無論多遠,我們的心總是相連"

No matter how far apart we are, our hearts are always connected.
