歌詞turn up

您要找的歌詞是 "Turn Up" 嗎?如果是的話,我找不到特定歌曲的歌詞,但是我可以為您提供一些常見的說唱歌曲 "Turn Up" 的歌詞,如果您想要的話:

Turn up turn up

Turn up tonight


Here we go

We up on that yeah

Drunk in the morning, waking up next to strangers

Crawling out of the club, with no recollection

Yeah, I’m a bad b*tch, I’m a bad b*tch

I ain’t sorry, I ain’t sorry

I ain’t sorry, no, no, no

I ain’t sorry, no, no, no

Turn up tonight

Yeah, I ain’t sorry, sorry for who

So call me in the morning and we might go higher

Ain’t like we should have waited until the weekend

The sun ain’t even up so what the f*ck you waiting for?

I ain’t asking permission I just asking for a witness

Come and take control and if you fall through you fall through

Let me get it tonight, yeah, I want it tonight

And if you can’t make it then you better stay away

這是 "Turn Up" 的一首常見的歌詞,它是一種比較自由的說唱風格,所以歌詞可能會根據演唱者的風格和演唱時的情境有所不同。如果您有特定的歌曲需要歌詞,請告訴我,我會盡力提供幫助。