



我恨過你 恨之入骨

恨你讓我傷心 恨你讓我無助



我恨過你 恨之入骨

恨你讓我流淚 恨你讓我心碎



我曾經想過 離開你

但我做不到 我無法離開你


每次我都會覺得 我們太累

不想再說 什麼多餘的話


我的心還是會疼 會為你痛會為你的言語傷痛會難過的時候哭得停不下來.但是愛真的沒有辦法後退我知道我是這樣愛的毫無保留這就是我對你的執著我一直告訴自己你已經離開,也許我只是在你的影子而已我一直認為我愛的不深了.其實我怕連最後一滴眼淚都沒有了嗎 呵呵!這個懦弱的我又來翻箱倒櫃回憶那段難以忘懷的愛可真是的無賴阿我何必還要讓自己背負那么多的無奈真的 愛錯了之後才知道後悔愛錯了之後才知道傷悲愛錯了之後才知道無賴愛錯了之後才知道後悔莫及 痛徹心扉 愛錯了之後才知道後悔莫及 痛徹心扉 誰來安慰!


I hated you with all my heart,

Hated you for making me sad, for making me helpless.

Hated you for making me face everything alone.

Hated you for making me feel so lonely.

I hated you with all my heart,

Hated you for making me cry, for breaking my heart.

Hated you for making me lost my senses.

Hated you for making me feel like a dog!

I thought about leaving you, but I couldn't. I couldn't leave you. Even though every argument was my fault, I still couldn't leave you. Although every time we argued, I felt too tired. I didn't want to say anything more. But the warmth you once gave me didn't disappear. My heart still aches for you, for your words that hurt me, for the times I cried alone. But I can't turn back time. I know I loved you so blindly, so selflessly. It's just my stubbornness that won't let me give up. I keep telling myself that you're gone, that maybe you're just a shadow in my life. I kept thinking that I didn't love you anymore. But in reality, I was afraid of not having even one last tear left. Ha ha! This weakling of a me is still rummaging through my memories, reliving the love that was so hard to forget. How could I be such a dog? Why can't I just let go and move on? After all, what's the use of being a fool and carrying around so much unhappiness? If I'd known I was making a mistake, I would have known regret and sorrow after making a mistake. I would have known hopelessness and heartache after making a mistake. Who will comfort me?