


Oh, the courage and the faith will never die

路過長夜漫漫 無論多漆黑

Through the long nights and deep darkness, no matter how dark it is

永遠跨過困難 無懼苦困當頭

Always cross over difficulties, fearless of hardships ahead

永遠志在前方 無論路遠當頭

Always have a goal ahead, no matter how far the road may be

在這獅子山下 勇敢拼搏 奔向美好未來

Bravely striving under the Lion Rock, towards a better future

當你有夢想 永遠追尋 永遠不停止

When you have dreams, always pursue them, never stop

每一步跨過困難 永遠不言放棄

Step by step, overcoming difficulties, never giving up

勇氣與信心永不死 跨過每個山丘

The courage and the faith will never die, crossing every hill
