真善美do re mi歌詞

《真善美Do Re Mi》的詞曲都是由佚名所寫,沒有標準的中文翻譯版,以下是英文版歌詞:

* “Do” means love for all,

it's the base of all for everyone


* “Re” means respect for self,

it's the key to happiness


* “Mi” means kindness to others,

it's the bridge to success


* “Fa” is for the environment,

let's protect our planet


* “So” is for animals,

let's save them all


* “La” is for the world,

let's make it a better place


* “Ti” is for ourselves,

let's be kind to ourselves and others


* “Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti”, sing together now

* Sing out, it’s true that the music and melody forever lives in our hearts (Yeah~)

Come on, we're going to make a dream come true

Let's dance, we will reach the top!

Do-Re-Mi, come on everyone sing along with me! (Yeah~)

Everybody! Let's sing! Do-Re-Mi! Do-Re-Mi! (Yeah~)

Everyone! Come on! Let's dance! (Yeah~)

* It’s not a dream! (Yeah~)

It’s real life! (Yeah~)

* Let’s make a dream come true! (Yeah~)

Let’s dance together! (Yeah~)

以上就是《真善美Do Re Mi》的歌詞,這是一首非常溫馨、積極向上的歌曲,鼓勵人們去關愛他人、保護環境、珍惜生命,同時也表達了對美好生活的嚮往和追求。