

1. “When I was a little bit younger, I could get by with more than one.”(當我年輕一點的時候,我可以不止一次地放縱自己。)

2. “If you want to make the world a better place, take a look around.”(如果你想讓世界變得更美好,請環顧四周。)

3. “Yeah, New York City, there’s nothing like it on the planet.”(是的,紐約市,這世界上沒有什麼地方可以比得上它。)

4. “People think that we should just jump right in, forget the land and ocean’s old and real.”(人們認為我們應該馬上跳進去,忘記陸地和海洋的古老和真實。)

5. “People of the world, you got to unite, or you’re gonna lose your mind.”(全世界的人們,你們必須聯合起來,否則你們會失去理智。)
