聯合公園歌詞leave out all the rest

《Leave Out All the Rest》是Linkin Park(林肯公園)的一首歌,收錄於他們的專輯《A Thousand Suns》。以下是一段可能的《Leave Out All the Rest》的歌詞翻譯:

Leave out all the rest


If you want to get someplace


But don't know where to go


Leave out all the rest


Get some rest, go find a dream


So you can feel the rhythm


Underneath your feet


So you can feel the vibe


You're on your own and feeling low


Leave out all the rest


Just hold on tight to your dreams


When they're all through changing your face, oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh Oh oh oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh! (是怎樣的眼神、夢想讓你哭泣?)(Demo)

Keeping me waiting outside my favorite caf? It?s an average situation But i need you so much Baby don't get to serious Now the bell's ringing they?ll all laugh their luck at learning of times Will i hear them crying they know, They?ll all leave you behind like a scar on your skin But they don't understand they leave out all the rest (Chorus) Leave out all the rest, they?re only in your head. So take it from me and don't you let them break your dreams. Leave out all the rest. (離開他們,不要讓他們打破你的夢想)(Verse 2) But they'll keep coming back to bite you, it's like a voodoo witchcraft So it's better off staying strong. If you're feeling lost, go back to the source of what makes you complete, I ain't got time for the opposition I'm feeling numb inside I need a breather to restore my vigor So don't be ashamed of what you are. They'll only leave you with regrets and memories. So you can live forever in the land of the free. (別讓他們繼續回來傷害你,那就像巫術一樣,所以你要堅強,如果你感到迷失,回到源頭,找到你的完整,我沒有時間在意反對的聲音,我要恢復我的活力,不要為你的身份感到羞恥,他們只會讓你留下遺憾和回憶,所以你可以永遠生活在自由的國家。)(Bridge) And when they say your dreams are crazy, tell them you will not comply. (當他們說你的夢想很瘋狂,告訴他們你不會屈服。)(Outro) I'm gonna leave out all the rest, 剩下的全部忘掉, Ohh (副歌)Let go of everything, 把所有都放下吧 ,ohhh ,Dreams come true with every move of hope and You, 愛與希望帶你實現夢想,一起奮鬥吧 。 寶貝不那么著急的歌歌喉式精神攻勢求答應我的事會兌現。一定要留住我、實現我們的約定! (Bridge 2) Baby it's over now (寶貝一切都結束了) Baby don't say it now (寶貝別這么說) 他們會為我的生命多一些(殘缺)。他們會帶走一些。寶貝這完全是你的失誤!現在你又在說這些!(這是多么痛苦)但一切都會過去! 噢! (不要說出來) 但現在我必須要離開! 你沒有讓我去尋找我需要的夢境! (我要走啦) 所以別讓我停下來。我會永遠愛你! 你離開了我!留下我獨自面對! (一切都會過去) Come on, let me hear you say it (快點,讓我聽到你說) (我不會再讓你離開我) 所以留下我、別讓我停下來! 你不會知道、你的離開對我意味著什麼! (Chorus) Leave out all the rest, 留下所有其它! Don't let them break your dreams. 別讓他們打破你的夢想! (Outro) 噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢! 以上歌詞僅供參考,具體以歌曲原版為準。