

* Chat with people all around the world with MSN!用MSN和全世界的人聊天吧!

* The thing I hate is having to log on to msn!我最討厭的就是必須先登入msn!

* I'm off to find some excitement on msn!我要去msn上尋找刺激了!

* I'm bored stiff at work and I can't wait to log on to msn!我在工作中呆悶了,等不及要登入msn了!

* I spend more time on my msn than on my own business!我花在msn上的時間比花在我自己的業務上的時間還多!

* I'm going to msn, see you later!我去msn了,回頭見!

* It's getting late, I need to log off msn!天晚了,我要下線msn了!

* Can't wait to log on to msn and chat with my friends!等不及要登入msn和朋友聊天了!