


誰要管它什麼世道 什麼萬惡淫為首


女大不中留 何苦惹她生鏽


算一算已經泡了多久 捨不得她 又不肯放手

一個人無憂無慮的浪蕩在宇宙 隨隨便便就喜歡上誰和誰上床才是我的夢想

追求是我的事 愛是我的事 管別人幹嗎 愛就愛得不要臉 萬惡淫為首我都嫌不夠

愛是我的事 不需活得比別人正經 萬惡淫為首以後再說


Who cares about the current era or whatever the lowest form of evil is?

To sleep is free, I don't need any reason.

Let her grow, don't torment her.

If you want to get into it, I won't steal your thunder.

Counting down the days together with you, it's hard to let go but I won't hold on.

A free spirit wanders through the universe, I might as well fall in love with whoever I want.

Chasing after me is my business, what else can I do? Why should I be more serious than others? After all, I am not worth the evil.

I fell in love recklessly and let my love overflow. No matter what people think, love must be shameless. No one told me to be serious and pure after all.
