
《Innocence》是藍井艾露演唱的歌曲,由藍井愛 uchiru作曲,中日雙語填詞。以下是《Innocence》的歌詞:


祈願在眼眸之中 在純白的心底

被漆黑玷污之前 純真的美 是如此眩目

向星空許下誓言 抱著明天的夢

從未停止過的祈禱 飛翔在心中

Innocence 翱翔在天空的翅膀

永遠追逐著夢想的少女 其名為Innocence

把心中藏起的夢 藏起的期待

一樣也要捧在手心 在漆黑的夜空之中

背負著過去與未來 前進的少女

就像天空中的星星一樣 其名為Innocence

當淚水流下眼框 彷彿可以洗去污垢

明天將是全新的日子 把污點擦拭乾淨

將背負的過去化為 現在的力量

像翅膀一般的勇氣 將前進的少女托起

Innocence 照亮夜空的繁星

永遠追逐夢想的少女 其名為Innocence


In my innocence I saw a world of possibilities

I dreamed of the future and the life I would lead

But now I see the world is not what I imagined

It's a world of grey and one that I must fight to change

But I won't give up, I won't let go, I won't be defeated

I will keep fighting until I find a way to make a difference

Innocence is a beautiful thing, it's what defines us all

It's the light in our eyes, the reason we never give up hope

So we must hold on, we must keep going, we must never give in

Because innocence is what sets us free, it's what we're fighting for

Innocence is all around us, it's in the air we breathe

It's in the hearts of those who fight for what they believe




