


處處吻 - 鄧紫棋

Can you feel the fire burning?


Chasing the rising sun


Love is at the陌生未知 place 陌生未知 place

未知的地方陌生未知 thing to be

陌生未知為你奮不顧身 陌生未知無處不在

This can't be happening陌生未知 shouldn't be happening to me

這不是發生的時候 不應發生在我身上


沉醉不知歸路Don't you know it hurts?

不曉得知不知道你害了我Don't you know it burns?

不曉得你讓我心如刀割 刻骨銘心記憶深處Love is at the陌生未知 place 陌生未知 place

未知的地方陌生未知 thing to be

陌生未知為你奮不顧身 陌生未知無處不在

I don't want to be your stranger, I want to be your lover

我不想只是你的陌生人 我想成為你的愛人

I don't want to be afraid, I want to feel the moment now

我不想害怕 我想此刻感受到愛戀

不要在處處的吻 沉醉不知歸路Don't you know it hurts?

不曉得你害了我Don't you know it burns?

不曉得你讓我心如刀割 你害了我 Don't you know it hurts? Don't you know it burns? Don't you know?陌生未知 don't don't you know? 不知道,你知道嗎?
