

我見過滿山的花開 也見過奔騰的煙海 你帶著微光 向我走來 帶走我心中的種子

I've seen blooming flowers all over the mountains, and I've seen billows of smoke coming towards me. You came with a twinkle in your eyes, carrying the seed of my heart.

我想我一生最美好的時刻 就是現在 跟你一起看著路燈下的小姑娘

The most beautiful moment in my life right now is looking at you under the street lamp with the little girl.

你總是讓我感到驚奇 就像那個路燈下的小姑娘 總是讓我感到溫暖 就像那個路燈下的小姑娘

You always surprise me, just like the little girl under the street lamp. You always make me feel warm, just like the little girl under the street lamp.

那些星星點點的光 我相信那是每個人心中的 小小姑娘 你那熟悉的眼神 是我在茫茫人海中最想要的陪伴

The tiny lights that twinkle, I believe they are the little girls in everyone's heart. Your familiar gaze is the companionship I most desire in this vast sea of people.

我還是會愛著你 就像我愛著那個路燈下的小姑娘 無論你在何方 無論你過的如何 我還是會愛著你

I will still love you, just like I love that little girl under the street lamp. No matter where you are, no matter what you're going through, I will still love you.