

1. “那些年” - 那些年,我們曾經一起度過的時光,如今已成為回憶。

Translation: “Those Years” - Those years, the memories we once shared have now become a thing of the past.

2. “雨下一整晚” - 雨一直下到深夜,整個夜晚都讓人感到寂靜而孤寂。

Translation: “The Rain Is Falling All Night Long” - The rain keeps falling into the early hours of the morning, leaving a silence and loneliness in the entire night.

3. “倒帶” - 回憶像電影倒帶一樣,一幕幕在我腦海中回放。

Translation: “Rewind” - Memories play like a movie reel, replaying one after another in my mind.

4. “突然想起你” - 突然間我想起了你,那些曾經一起度過的時光。

Translation: “You Came Into My Mind” - Suddenly, I remembered you, those memories of the times we once shared together.

5. “獨家記憶” - 你是我一個人的獨家記憶,永遠不會被遺忘。

Translation: “Exclusive Memory” - You are my one and only, a memory that will never be forgotten.
