


Everyday I wake up 睜開雙眼

The first thing I do is look at me 做的第一件事就是看我

The only one that I am supposed to be 我只做自己

No apologies for being me 無需為我是誰道歉

Am I a dreamer 我是否是個夢想家

Am I a failure 我是否是個失敗者

Am I too much or not enough for you 對於你而言,我太過火還是還遠遠不夠

Don't be afraid 不必害怕

I am standing up to me 站起來吧,我自己

Don't second guess yourself 別再猜測自己了

What others think of you 別人對你如何看待

Don't let society define what makes you 不要讓社會去定義你是誰

Your identity 你身上的標識

Let's break it down 讓我們分解這一切

Cause you know it all comes back to me 因為你知道所有事情都會回歸自我

Is this the real me 我真的是這個樣子嗎?

Do I make the right decisions 我做了正確的決定嗎?

Do I act too strong or maybe too much of a soft touch 我表現得過於堅強還是溫柔過度?

Am I too much or not enough for me 對於我而言,我太過火還是還遠遠不夠?

Am I a fighter 我是否是個鬥士?

Am I a survivor 我是否能倖存下來?

Am I the only one that thinks I'm the best at what I do 我是否是唯一認為自己最擅長自己工作的人?

Don't be afraid 不必害怕

I am standing up to me 站起來吧,我自己

Don't second guess yourself 別再猜測自己了

What others think of you 別人對你如何看待

Don't let society define what makes you 不要讓社會去定義你是誰

Your identity 你身上的標識

Do you ever feel like you are the only one 曾否覺得你是孤獨的?

That stands out like a sore thumb 鶴立雞群,令人矚目?

The only one 唯一的,特殊的,獨一無二的? (喔,喔)是否感到不自信)回想起以往的故事 認為在多數人的環境下他們只有藉口 或跟風的成份 是無奈 所以我們必須勇往直前 Don't let fear consume you, 不讓恐懼毀掉你 What other people think of you 你必須要有勇氣You don't have to worry, don't second guess yourself 別猶豫,別再猜測自己了,別讓自己受他人影響 Be true to what makes you, 不要讓他人定義你是誰,堅定自我你的標識 Cause you know it all comes back to me 因為你知道所有事情都會回歸自我(回歸自我) Me 是我,是真正的自我 Don't let society define what makes you 不要讓社會去定義你是誰 Your identity 你身上的標識 Don't let fear consume you 不讓恐懼毀掉你 What other people think of you 你必須要有勇氣 Don't let society define what makes you 不要讓他人定義你是誰,堅定自我你的標識 Cause you know it all comes back to me 因為你知道所有事情都會回歸自我 所以不要害怕,站起來吧 Don't be afraid 不必害怕 Don't let fear consume you 不讓恐懼毀掉你 Don't second guess yourself 別再猜測自己了 Don't let society define what makes you 不要讓社會去定義你是誰 Your identity 你身上的標識 Don't let fear consume you 不讓恐懼毀掉你 What other people think of you 你必須要有勇氣 Don't let it be the reason why 不讓它成為你畏懼的理由.不要成為恐懼的犧牲品,挺起胸膛! You know it all comes back to me 你知道所有事情都會回歸自我。