電光交響樂團mr blue sky歌詞

Mr Blue Sky的歌詞如下:

Mr. Blue Sky, you're in the clouds,

Cause all I see is a whole lot of gloom,

Everyday, I feel like I'm drowning,

In a sea of grey, it's a wonder I'm still afloat.

Oh, Mr. Blue Sky, where are you?

I need you to light up my world,

It's been such a long time since I've seen you,

Please come back and set me free.

Oh, Mr. Blue Sky, I miss you so,

When will you make an appearance?

It's been such a long time since I've known you,

Please come back and light up my soul.

Mr Blue Sky is a song by Def Leppard from their album Hysteria. It is a song about hope and wanting to see the sun again after a long period of darkness. The lyrics are simple and catchy, with a melody that is easy to sing along to.
