2 be free 歌詞

以下是《2 be free》的歌詞:

Feels like I been sleep 我感覺我已經入睡

Ain't got no money in my pocket 我口袋裡沒錢

Gonna find some 我要去尋找

Somewhere that's free to roam 到那些可以自由漫遊的地方

Feels like a fantasy 這感覺像一個幻想

And now it's come to life 現在它成為了現實

This ain't a phase 這不是一個階段

It's all for real 這一切都是真的

And I don't really care where we go 我真的不在乎我們要去哪裡

We're already two freed 我已經自由了

Gonna ride this out 我們要繼續前行

All my dreams now out in space 在宇宙中漂浮著我的夢想

All the pain has faded with time 所有痛苦都隨著時間褪去

So I can finally see the light 所以我終於可以看見曙光

It's two free we are 我們是自由的

I don't owe it all 我把一切都放下

To any company 我把所有的一切都給了一家公司

We're two free 我們自由的

As we rise up above 我們隨著上升

Like shooting stars 我們就像流星一樣閃耀

Life was a rollercoaster 生活就像過山車一樣刺激

But now I'm at the top 但現在我已經到達了頂峰

And I ain't looking back 我不會回頭看

Just staring at the sun 只盯著太陽看

And I don't really care where we go 我真的不在乎我們要去哪裡

We're already two freed 我已經自由了

Gonna ride this out 我們要繼續前行

All my dreams now out in space 在宇宙中漂浮著我的夢想

So if you feel like you're trapped in your own head 所以如果你感到被困在自己的腦海里

And you don't know what to believe 不知道該相信什麼

Just remember that freedom is free 只要記住自由是無價的

And you don't have to pay the price 你不需要付出代價

And I don't really care where we go 我真的不在乎我們要去哪裡

We're already two freed 我們已經自由了

Gonna ride this out 我們要繼續前行

All my dreams now out in space 在宇宙中漂浮著我的夢想

So let's go 所以讓我們一起走吧

Two freed 我們自由了