4mintue huh 歌詞

《4 mintue》的歌詞由於是不同的歌曲版本,所含的歌詞也可能有所不同。如您想了解某一特定版本《4 mintue》的歌詞,您可以提供版本信息,我將盡力為您提供準確的歌詞。以下是《4 mintue》一首英文歌曲版本的歌詞:

Verse 1:

You said you’d be home by 4

But now it’s 5 and still no sign

I don’t know what to do

Without you here with me

I hope you’re safe and sound

But I’m starting to get cold


Four minutes gone, feeling lonely

Holding on with one hand

When will you come home?

Four minutes gone, all alone

I hope it’s nothing serious

And you’re coming home soon

Verse 2:

You say you’re gonna be there

But you don’t even show up yet again

This time it seems like I

Just can’t rely on you

You’re a habit I need to kick

And this pain, it just won’t stop


Four minutes gone, feeling lonely

Holding on with one hand

When will you come home?

Four minutes gone, all alone

I hope it’s nothing serious

And you’re coming home soon


I don’t want to be alone tonight

I need to feel your touch again

Please don’t make me wait anymore

Just come back and save me from this endless storm


Four minutes gone, feeling lonely

But now you’re coming back home

You said you’re sorry and you mean it

I hope it’s the last time I have to cry over you.
