all i ask for you歌詞

"All I Ask For You" 是來自 Verdi 的歌劇 "La Traviata" 中的一首著名歌曲。以下是這首歌的歌詞:

Verdi: All I ask of you, is a little love,

And a little tenderness.

You will not say "Farewell",

Oh, no, never say "Farewell".


All I ask of you,

Is a little love,

And a little tenderness,

And I'll be true.

Verdi: I will not ask for wealth,

I will not ask for fame,

I will not ask for power,

Oh, no, I ask for you.


All I ask of you,

Is a little love,

And a little tenderness,

And I'll be true.

Alto: A kiss, a word of kindness,

To make me happy.

Ah! how sweet to have you near me,

How happy am I.


All I ask of you,

Is a little love,

And a little tenderness,

And I'll be true.

(合唱):你是我心中的最愛,愛神讓你我的心靠近。 (這是你所需要給我的,給我一點愛情,一點點體貼和關懷) 。你的嘴裡再不要說出"再會",(你將永不會再這樣說“再會”。)我的戀人!你將是我的永恆的情人! (一切要求不過如此,我的愛人啊,你給我一點點愛情,一點點體貼和關懷,我就能夠信守諾言) 。我無需向你索求財富,無需名譽和權勢。我的心只有你。 (只要你的愛情和溫柔的愛撫,我便心滿意足。)