allister somewhere on fullerton歌詞

"allister somewhere on fullerton" 是歌曲 "somewhere on fullerton" 中的一句歌詞,以下是這首歌的部分歌詞:

Verse 1:

Allister, you're somewhere on Fullerton

I'm looking for you, but I can't find you

I'm lost in the crowd, but I won't give up

I'll keep searching until I find you


Somewhere on Fullerton, I'll find you

In the darkest night, I'll light your way

You're not alone, I'll be with you

Through the storms and clouds, we'll stay together

Verse 2:

I know you're out there, somewhere on Fullerton

I can feel your heartbeat, even in the distance

I'm not giving up, I'm not lost yet

I'll keep walking until I find you again


Somewhere on Fullerton, I'll find you

In the darkest night, I'll light your way

You're not alone, I'll be with you

Through the storms and clouds, we'll stay together


This journey may be long and lonely

But I know that we will meet again

On Fullerton, when the sun comes up

We'll be together, forever now


Somewhere on Fullerton, I'll find you

In the darkest night, I'll light your way

You're not alone, I'll be with you

Through the storms and clouds, we'll stay together

以上是 "somewhere on fullerton" 這首歌的部分歌詞,其中包含了 "allister" 這個角色。這首歌的歌詞表達了作者對某人的尋找和承諾,即使在困境中也不會放棄,直到找到對方。