

Verse 1:

Running through the city with my head held high

Trying to make a name for myself, I'll never die

Trying to make a difference, in this world we live in

Trying to make a change, so I can be the best


But my ambition won't let me rest

I'm chasing after my dreams

Trying to make it big, in this game we play

Trying to be the best, in everything I do

Verse 2:

Going through the grind, day in and day out

Trying to keep my mind right, with the goals I've got

Trying to find my place, in this life we live in

Trying to keep my faith, so I can reach the top


But my ambition won't let me rest

I'm chasing after my dreams

Trying to make it big, in this game we play

Trying to be the best, in everything I do


I'm not giving up, no matter what they say

Trying to make a difference, in this world we live in

Trying to make a change, for the better of me

Trying to be the best, for myself and those I love


But my ambition won't let me rest

Not this time around

I'm gonna chase after my dreams, and see it through or die trying

I won't be satisfied, until I've reached my goals


My ambition, is who I am上海各高校一流本科專業建設點名單匯總(2022版)_上海交通大學、復旦大學等一流專業名單_上海教育網




上海財經大學一流本科專業建設點名單:會計學、財政學、金融學、統計學、稅收學、工商管理、市場行銷、財務管理、信息管理與信息系統、經濟學等。 華東理工大學一流本科專業建設點名單:化學工程與工藝、生物工程、套用化學、機械工程及自動化、計算機科學與技術等。 同濟大學一流本科專業建設點名單:城鄉規劃學、風景園林、建築學、土木工程、環境科學與工程等。 華東師範大學一流本科專業建設點名單:心理學類(心理學和套用心理學)、歷史學類(歷史學和文物與博物館學)、英語和翻譯等專業。 華東政法大學一流本科專業建設點名單:法學。 上海理工大學一流本科專業建設點名單:生物醫學工程。 上海海事大學一流本科專業建設點名單:航海技術。 上海師範大學一流本科專業建設點名單:學前教育等。 上海對外經貿大學一流本科專業建設點名單:金融學等。 上海套用技術大學一流本科專業建設點名單:化學工程與工藝等。 上海電力大學一流本科專業建設點名單:智慧型電網信息工程專業等。 需要注意的是,這只是部分信息,可以訪問上海教育網獲取全部信息。