arctic monkeys歌詞

以下是一些著名的 Arctic Monkeys 歌詞:

* "Do you ever feel like a plastic bag,

Drifting through the wind

Wanting to start again?"

* "I'm sorry, I get nervous

When I feel you near me"

* "Your sad eyes, empty

Life, but I can't leave"

* "Just look up, see the clouds, you know what to do"

* "But if you feel like a plastic bag

Like a paper bag"

* "Come on down, it's alright

I'll walk you home"

這些歌詞來自 Arctic Monkeys 的不同歌曲,每首歌的歌詞都不同。如果你需要特定歌曲的歌詞,我可以為你提供。