avril tomorrow歌詞

"Avril Tomorrow" 是加拿大女歌手Avril Lavigne的歌曲,出自於她的專輯《The Best Damn Thing》。


“All along, it was my own indecision

Always dreamed I’d be somebody else’s revolution

Chasing a phantom that I knew wouldn’t come back

My destiny’s to stay in this room with my demons and scream

Yeah, tomorrow will be the day, the day I let go

Tomorrow will be the day, the day I see through

All this bullshit, all this noise, it’s too much for me

I’m tired of the waiting, tired of the nights I don’t sleep

But I know that I will wake up, won’t feel the shame

If it was meant to be, it will be, tomorrow, tomorrow”

歌曲描繪了主角在自我糾結與混亂的未來預期之間徘徊的主題,充滿了緊張與困惑的情感。這首歌實際上描繪了無數人在追求理想中的生活、身份或目標時面臨的挑戰。Avril Tomorrow不僅是她的困擾和挫敗的象徵,也是許多人在等待改變時感受到的情感和無力感的象徵。歌詞以積極的基調結束,表示無論遭遇何種挫折和痛苦,我們都應該相信自己並堅持下去。
