bad case of loving you歌詞

《Bad Case of Loving You》的詞曲作者是張學友,以下是歌曲的詞曲:


Bad case of missing you

Bad case of missing you

All along it was a bad case of loving you

And I keep a trying to forget you

But there's a part of my heart that keeps on trying to be with you

But there's a part of my heart








每個黑暗的夜裡 我一直為你找藉口

每夜都希望我錯過你 你始終如影隨形 陰魂不散


我有個壞愛的病例 愛你成了我的病

我不斷嘗試去忘記你 但我的心卻不斷嘗試與你在一起

我有個壞愛的病例 愛你成了我的病

每個夜晚 我都會為你找藉口


Bad case of missing you, bad case of missing you

All along it was a bad case of loving you

And I keep trying to forget you

But there's a part of my heart that keeps on trying to be with you

Every night, I'm making up all kinds of reasons why I should be with you

I'm always in the wrong, I'm always staying up all night just to think about you

But there's a part of my heart that keeps on crying for you

Yeah, and the doctors don't know what to do with me, the psychiatrist can't make me believe that it's me again for real with only dreams for me and me feeling blue like no other and oh no! Yeah, every day and night. My only tears come when I look into my life, look at what it was in then as far as the baby dream for two could mean. But there's a part of my heart that keeps on crying for you. Yeah! Bad case of missing you, bad case of missing you. All along it was a bad case of loving you. And I keep trying to forget you. But there's a part of my heart that keeps on trying to be with you. Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! No more, no more, no more. No more, no more. No more. No more, no more, no more, no more. That’s a wrap, bad case of loving you, baby, for me and no more pain in the future either. But there’s still some good old-fashioned pleasure I'm having at timesI think our basketball team has done well this year. (改為同義句)

I believe our basketball team has done well this year.

I think our basketball team has done well this year. 和 I believe our basketball team has done well this year. 是同義句。它們都表達了相同的含義,即“我認為我們的籃球隊今年表現不錯”。