bad day中英歌詞對照

bad day的中文詞曲對照如下:


昨夜 又醉過了一場

永遠 在遇見對的人之前

有太多夢 想來過於快去

最需要 人陪伴卻總孤獨過活

不想放 不願忘 不去想 只是被受傷

夜太黑 只是看不清楚路徑

笑著哭 該忘記還是要學習 為自己祝福

那些愛 我受過就受過 反正我是個壞天氣

你愛或是不愛 我都是這樣子

所以我不必 為你改變自己

我還是那樣子 只是個壞天氣

今天 又是糟糕的一天

總是 在愛情來的時候 總是 選擇逃避

我還是 沒學習到 如何去愛自己

不想放 不願忘 不去想 只是被受傷

夜太黑 只是看不清楚路徑

笑著哭 該忘記還是要學習 為自己祝福

那些愛 我受過就受過 反正我是個壞天氣

你愛或是不愛 我都是這樣子

所以我不必 為你改變自己

我還是那樣子 只是個壞天氣

糟糕的一天 有太多無奈和心酸

我想 我只是需要一點時間 適應這一切

還是會好的 還是會好起來的

我不用那麼堅強 我也可以會哭泣的


Tonight, I've had another bad day.

I keep on running from love, before it arrives.

I still haven't learned how to love myself.

I don't want to let go, I don't want to forget, I just want to be.

But I keep getting hurt.

In the dark, I can't see the path.

I laugh and cry, I have to learn how to forget or to remember, to bless myself.

Those lovers, I have suffered them, after all, I am a bad weather.

Whether you love me or not, I am like this anyway.

So I don't have to change myself for you.

I am still like this, just a bad weather.

Today is another frustrating day.

I always run away when love comes around.

I still haven't learned how to love myself.

In the end, I am just left with too many regrets and heartaches.

I need some time to adjust to everything.

I don't have to be strong, I can cry too.