be humble歌詞

《Be Humble》的詞曲創作人為Ed Sheeran,其歌詞如下:

Verse 1:

Can't be humble if I lose, so I never play to lose

不想輸就得謙虛點 所以我從來不當輸家

Win some, lose some, no biggie, that's the game I play

有輸有贏 不氣不俗 這就是我打的遊戲

But when it comes to you, it's just a matter of time

但要是關於你 那就只是時間問題

I'm coming for you, like a wave at the shore

我就像海浪一樣 朝你撲面而來


Be humble, always with a chip on your shoulder

要謙卑 我們要無所畏懼 背負挑戰

Cause it ain't about what you make, it's about what you take

不是看你能成就多少 而是看你能奪取多少

It's not how big your bed is, it's about what you get for freezin' your a off

也不是看你能睡多寬的床 是看你在風雪中還能得到多少給予

So let me make one thing very clear


Verse 2:

Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, she moved away

當我以為一切都糟糕極了 她卻搬走了

Now I'm on my own, feeling like I'm in a horror movie

現在我孤身一人 感覺自己就像進入了一部恐怖電影

But I ain't crying, I ain't looking back, I ain't feeling sad

但我沒在哭 沒在回顧過往 也沒感到沮喪

I'm just moving forward, like a train on the track



Be humble, always with a chip on your shoulder

要謙卑 我們要無所畏懼 背負挑戰

Cause it ain't about what you make, it's about what you take

不是看你能成就多少 而是看你能奪取多少

It's not how big your bed is, it's about what you get for freezin' your a off

也不是看你能睡多寬的床 是看你在風雪中還能得到多少給予

So let me make one thing very clear



This ain't no way to live, just follow your heart instead of everyone else's

這不是過日子應該的樣子 你別在意別人的目光 只按照自己的心去走

Don't let nobody push you around, and that goes for me too

別讓任何人把你推來推去 也包括我自己在內

Chorus: (Repeats)

Outro:: (Shortly follows Chorus)

這首歌歌詞傳達了一個思想:人需要保持謙遜和冷靜,只有謙遜和冷靜,才能在各種情況面前應對自如,無懼失敗和挫折。這首歌是Ed Sheeran對於自身音樂事業的自省和總結,它反映了一個追逐音樂夢想的藝人所經歷的各種挫折和困擾,也提醒人們無論在任何情況下都要保持謙遜和冷靜。