be melodramatic ost part 3歌詞

"Be Melodramatic (OST Part 3)" 的歌詞如下:

Be melodramatic

Yo, I'm feeling like a king in my castle

But I'm feeling like a prisoner in my own skin

I'm feeling like a victim of my own life

But I'm feeling like a victim of my own mind

I've been feeling this way for so long

But I'm not gonna let it get me down anymore

Cause I know that there's more to life than pain and misery

So let me hear you scream and let me feel your rhythm

Be melodramatic, it's okay to show your feelings

It's okay to feel sad, it's okay to feel alone

But remember that there's always someone here for you

And remember that life is a beautiful journey, just let yourself feel it

Now you're feeling all alone in this world

But remember that there's always someone who cares about you

So let yourself cry, let yourself laugh, let yourself be free

Because life is beautiful, let yourself live it out loud

Yeah, you're feeling defeated and hopeless

But remember that there's always hope waiting for you somewhere

So don't give up on yourself, don't give up on your dreams

Because the future is brighter than you think, so let yourself believe in it"